In Nepal, SMEs contribute about 22% to the country’s GDP, creating over 1.7 million job opportunities.

In Nepal, SMEs contribute about 22% to the country’s GDP, creating over 1.7 million job opportunities.
The trade and agriculture sectors experienced demand shocks as demand from the accommodation and tourism sectors fell.
It should be acknowledged that technology and knowledge transfer is key to enabling vaccine production in the developing world and waiving patient protection is a step forward in that direction.
Nepal received 1 million Covishield vaccines in the first grant from the Government of India in mid -January this year. By the end of March, Nepal ran out of the India-made vaccine.
I hope and count on the Peace Corps to survive and thrive, and help build an enlightened post-COVID America and the world.
Tourism is one of Nepal’s largest industries, a massive employer, and an important source for foreign exchange reserves.