With health and medical infrastructure still relatively unsteady, the recovery and rebuilding costs of the earthquake are expected to be high.

With health and medical infrastructure still relatively unsteady, the recovery and rebuilding costs of the earthquake are expected to be high.
Manufacturing will take longest to recover as problems with power have been compounded with the disaster.
As the agriculture sectors employs 33.7% of the total population, damages to the sector is also likely to impact employment within the country.
The government earns approximately USD 3.5 million in climbing fees from Everest alone, whereas a single guide on Everest earns USD 6,000-7,000 during a single season.
According to the Department of Education (DoE), the earthquake destroyed and damaged 3,552 schools in 14 districts.
Given the scale of destruction wreaked by the earthquake, rebuilding is likely to require a lot of investment.