Every part of the Himalayas is an open museum where you interact with lovely views, ever changing shades of the sky and hills with thriving oral history, art, craft and literature.
By working together, the private sector and the agriculture industry can help to improve agricultural practices, increase productivity, and create more sustainable and profitable farming systems.
This trend of ageing populations and declining fertility is impacting a growing number of countries where the growth of the proportion of elderly is outstripping the number of births and new younger generations.
Private sectors can act as a proper driver in the market with respect to investment, diverse project portfolio, competitive market sentiment and professional engagement of domestic and foreign stakeholders to build and operate carbon trading projects.
In order to combat climate change and its consequences, a global shift to renewable energy is of paramount importance.
Producing synthetic fabrics alone generates around 20% of the world’s wastewater. The ill effects of the current business model are reflected the best in graduating least developed countries (LDCs) in Asia.